
The influence of color in your home

Color is very important in your home, because you should feel comfortable in your own home and color should stimulate your senses and make you feel relaxed. If you don’t know how to find your right color for your home decorating, try to notice what colors attract you and what push you off. Do you […]

Baby Bedrooms

In this post I want to tell you about the basic principles of designing the newborn baby bedrooms. When you are about to become a parent you barely have time for investing in decorating and furnishing a baby bedroom. Many parents simply go for a professional designer and prefer not to invest their personality in […]

Minimalism Interior Design

I have been a great fan of minimalism since my youth. On the other hand, who wasn’t? You’d be surprised, my friend, but many of my well-to-do friends when buying a new house are prone to include thousands of decorative items that are far from being necessary in the course of their lives. I wanted […]

Tiled Bath and Tiled Shower

Good planning is essential for any placement. It is in the first instance important for the bathroom – the smallest room in the house, which you visit quite often independently of your lifestyle. Bathroom tile is the most actual finishing material for suchlike places. It looks quite common on the walls and the floor – […]

Winter decoration ideas

Here you can see few beautiful winter decoration ideas for bedrooms, sitting rooms, dining rooms, kitchens and the area near the house. These winter diys will help you plunge into the Christmas atmosphere and cheer up. All of them look lovely and cute, as I think. I guess they are the best way to add something special and something unique to any house.

How I want to decorate house for the Christmas

Do you like a magic? I really do! And what is the most magical holiday in the world? Of course, it’s Christmas! I always forget all the bad and focus on happiness and joy. I love to decorate my house for this fairy holiday and I have so many new ideas every year that I […]

Best kitchen interior

Kitchen is definitely a spot which must be functional, cozy and with the best kitchen design you might get. So it is quite essential to plan design.

Egyptian interior design in modern conditions

 If you are enjoying the pompous and magnificent spirit of ancient civilizations with rich and colorful history, than you should learn more about Egyptian interior design. This style is one of the most expressive and luxurious interior styles from the whole world. With its mysterious hieroglyphs and statues, it will definitely add a flour of […]

Choosing an interior color for bedroom

 If you haven’t chosen an interior color for their bedroom yet, then spend pair of minutes reading our article, because choosing the right color is more complicated and important than you think.

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